Tuesday, 28 February 2012

An introduction

How brave, and perhaps foolish am I, to attempt a blog. I suppose this is to be viewed as more of a public journal; a venue for me to get my thoughts down, regardless of whether or not they are read by others. Here goes: I'm a young Catholic woman, I study music, I have a pet lizard, I want to be a Dominican, I work at a Cathedral, and I'm chronically happy. Hahaha...  ? My purpose in life is to make my relationship with God paramount. One thing is for sure: As a Catholic, I feel close to other human beings out of love for God, but this love makes me feel isolated. My staunch adherence to religion accentuates these feelings of isolation. Thus, I tend to gravitate towards those who share my faith... not because I wish to exclude those who don't believe in God, but because  in a sense I feel excluded by them. I understand that this is an over generalization, and it is not fair to assume that just because one does not believe in what I believe in, they wish to exclude me. There is goodness in people and I often forget that. Nahh... I pretty much love everyone who crosses my path.
If one chooses to read these words, and expects that through this blog I regurgitate the fruits of the profound contemplation of great Catholic Saints, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Theologians are wonderful, useful, intelligent, and exciting, but my number one Theologian is the Virgin Mary. I wish to share the fruits of my personal contemplation in regards to my existence, with the teachings of Christ and the Magesterium as my guide. Oh yes, and I am a turbo Papist. Obedience rocks. I have to put my lizard to bed now.

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